Planning and Tracking Worksheets

Here are worksheets to help you reach your goals through careful planning and tracking.


No Pressure Selling ROI Spreadsheet

This spreadsheet lets you calculate the possible results that you can attain when you use the No Pressure Selling techniques.  Enter closing ratios and average system price to see how much more income you can make when you learn the correct process for selling comfort systems.
No Pressure Selling ROI Spreadsheet


Annual Comfort System Sales Plan Spreadsheet

Use this spreadsheet to calculate the quantity of comfort systems you must sell in order to reach your dollar goal for the year.  Includes a formula for calculating the total number you need to sell, as well as monthly goals for the quantity of leads necessary.
Annual Sales Plan Spreadsheet


Financing and Leasing Spreadsheet

Easily convince your buyer to purchase your suggested comfort system by quickly calculating energy savings, and the tiny monthly payment when they decide to finance their system through you.
Financing and Leasing Spreadsheet


Dealer Annual Sales Plan Worksheet

Use this spreadsheet to calculate the monthly sales goals needed to reach quota, and then track those sales.
Annual Sales Projections Worksheet


12-Month Lead Generation Plan

This worksheet helps you create a 12-month plan to collect new leads for your business. Specific lead-generation tactics are listed as well as columns for calculating the leads required for to reach your goals for the year. Also included is tracking for determining the quantity of customers acquired per lead-generation tactic so that you can identify the best tactics for your particular business situation.
12-Month Lead Generation Plan