Downloadable Training Material

To further the education received in our classes, below are downloadable files that pertain to individual classes. Just click on the links to download the materials.


Peak Performance Brochure:

This is an editable three-fold brochure that you can use to sell more service agreements.  It details both what you will do for the client as well as the myriad of benefits that they will get when they maintain their equipment through a service agreement.  Classes: Trane Boot Camp, ASSET, Don’t Sell…CARE, No Pressure Selling, and the Service Agreement Workshop.

Peak Performance Brochure
Editable Peak Performance Brochure


Unlimited Leads Spreadsheet:

This is an interactive Excel spreadsheet that can be used to both plan and track leads coming into your business.  It lists many potential sources of leads and provides space to plan the quantity of leads from those sources.  There are both pdf versions (for offline planning) and an interactive spreadsheet. Class: Unlimited Leads.

Lead Planning Spreadsheet
Lead Results Spreadsheet
Interactive Unlimited Leads Planning and Tracking Spreadsheet